Glosario de CyberArk

La ciberseguridad está repleta de términos técnicos y palabras de moda en el sector. El glosario de CyberArk será su guía a través de un mar de terminología complicada, con definiciones fáciles de entender y recursos adicionales para un análisis más exhaustivo.


Access Certification

Access Certification facilitates the review of a user’s access privileges and requires a third-party to certify that the access should continue to be granted for a designated period of time.

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Access Certification

Access Discovery

Access discovery provides administrators with a clear picture of who has access to what applications, resources or privileges across the organization.

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Access Discovery

Access Management

Access management solutions are used by businesses to authenticate, authorize and audit access to on-premises and cloud-based applications and IT systems.

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Access Management

Active Directory (AD)

Active Directory (AD) is Microsoft’s directory and identity management service for Windows domain networks. AD is used for user authentication and authorization by a variety of Microsoft solutions like Exchange Server and SharePoint Server, as well as third-party applications and services.

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Active Directory (AD)

Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Adaptive MFA is a method for using contextual information and business rules to determine which authentication factors to apply to a particular user in a particular situation. Businesses use Adaptive Authentication to balance security requirements with the user experience.

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Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Application (App) Gateway

An app gateway is an enterprise security solution that lets users access traditional web applications hosted in corporate data centers using the same logon credentials and methods they use to access mobile apps and cloud services.

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Application (App) Gateway

Authentication Authorization

Authentication and Authorization solutions positively validate a user’s identify and grant permission to access applications and IT systems once verified.

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Authentication Authorization


Bot Security

Bots automate and supplement human workflows helping organizations improve business agility, reduce costs and risks, and free up staff for higher value tasks.

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Bot Security


CI/CD Pipeline

A CI/CD pipeline is a collection of tools used by developers and test engineers throughout the continuous software development, delivery and deployment lifecycle.

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CI/CD Pipeline

Cloud IAM Permissions

Cloud identity and access management (IAM) permissions let IT and security organizations control access to the resources in their cloud environments.

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Cloud IAM Permissions

Cloud Identity Security

Cloud identity security is the practice of implementing identity security controls to secure human and machine identities in hybrid and multi-cloud environments. Cloud migration and digital transformation have become commonplace for many modern enterprises

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Cloud Identity Security

Cloud Infrastructure Entitlements Management (CIEM)

Sometimes referred to as Cloud Entitlements Management solutions or Cloud Permissions Management solutions, CIEM solutions apply the Principle of Least Privilege access to cloud infrastructure and services, helping organizations defend against data breaches, malicious attacks and other risks posed by excessive cloud permissions.

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Cloud Infrastructure Entitlements Management (CIEM)

Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM)

CIAM solutions control access to public websites and digital properties, making it easy for customers to sign up and log on to online applications and services.

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Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM)

Cyber Insurance

Businesses purchase cyber insurance (also known as cybersecurity insurance) to mitigate financial loss due to cyber attacks and data breaches.

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Cyber Insurance

Seguridad en la Nube

La seguridad en la nube hace referencia a la práctica de proteger la integridad de las aplicaciones, los datos y la infraestructura virtual basados en la nube.  El término se aplica a todos los modelos de despliegue en la nube (nube pública, nube privada, nube híbrida, multinube) y a todos los tipos de servicios y soluciones a la carta basados en la nube (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS).

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Seguridad en la Nube


Data Sovereignty

Data sovereignty is the ability of enterprises to safeguard and have full control over the personally identifiable information (PII) of any citizen or permanent resident of the country in which it operates.

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Data Sovereignty


A defense-in-depth strategy, aka a security-in-depth strategy, refers to a cybersecurity approach that uses multiple layers of security for holistic protection.

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Digital Transformation

Digital transformation refers to the process of integrating digital technology into various aspects of an organization to fundamentally change how it operates and delivers value to its customers or stakeholders.

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Digital Transformation

Directory Services

A directory service is a common data repository for maintaining information about network users and resources as part of their Identity Security strategy.

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Directory Services


The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) Act, is a regulatory framework established by the European Union to fortify the financial sector against ICT threats.

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Filtración de Datos

Una filtración de datos es un incidente de seguridad en que usuarios internos malintencionados o atacantes externos obtienen acceso no autorizado a datos confidenciales o información sensible como historias clínicas, información financiera o información de identificación personal (PII). Las filtraciones de datos son uno de los tipos de incidentes de ciberseguridad más comunes y costosos.

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Filtración de Datos

Seguridad para las Operaciones de Desarrollo

DevOps es un término utilizado para describir un conjunto de prácticas, herramientas y filosofías culturales que unen el desarrollo de software (Dev) y las operaciones de TI (Ops) y aumentan la capacidad de una organización para ofrecer aplicaciones y servicios a alta velocidad. DevOps presenta nuevos riesgos y cambios culturales que crean retos de seguridad que, por lo general, no pueden afrontarse mediante las soluciones y prácticas de gestión de seguridad convencionales.

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Seguridad para las Operaciones de Desarrollo


Enterprise Browser

An enterprise browser is a dedicated, corporate web browser designed to give enterprises enhanced security and control over how the browser functions while ensuring a seamless browsing experience for employees

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Enterprise Browser

Seguridad para Endpoints

La seguridad para endpoints hace referencia a la práctica de proteger las redes empresariales contra las amenazas que se originan en los dispositivos remotos o locales. Un endpoint es cualquier dispositivo que proporciona un punto de entrada a los activos y aplicaciones de la empresa y representa una posible vulnerabilidad de ciberseguridad.

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Seguridad para Endpoints


FedRAMP Authorization

Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) is a United States government-wide program that standardizes the security assessment, authorization and continuous monitoring of cloud products and services.

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FedRAMP Authorization



Healthcare Cybersecurity

Healthcare cybersecurity protects organizations from cyber attacks and ensures availability of medical services, integrity of patient data, and compliance.

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Healthcare Cybersecurity


Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions enable administration of user identities and control of access to enterprise resources. IAM solutions ensure the right individuals have access to the right IT resources, for the right reasons, at the right time.

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Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Identity as a Service (IDaaS)

Identity as a Service (IDaaS) is an Identity and Access Management solution delivered in the form of a cloud-based service hosted and managed by a trusted third party. An IDaaS offering combines all the functions and benefits of an enterprise-class IAM solution with all the economic and operational advantages of a cloud-based service.

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Identity as a Service (IDaaS)

Identity Governance and Administration (IGA)

Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) solutions efficiently manage digital identities and access rights across diverse systems and are used by corporate information security, risk management, compliance teams and IT organizations.

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Identity Governance and Administration (IGA)

Identity Lifecycle Management

Identity lifecycle management refers to the process of managing the user identities and evolving access privileges of employees and contractors throughout their tenure—from day one through separation.

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Identity Lifecycle Management

Identity Orchestration

Learn everything you need to know identity orchestration and how it automates identity management workflows without writing custom codes or scripts.

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Identity Orchestration

Identity Security

Identity Security is a comprehensive solution for securing all identities– human or machine – throughout the cycle of accessing critical assets.

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Identity Security

Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR)

Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) is a security discipline consisting of cyber threat intelligence, behavior analysis, tools and structured processes to enhance identity infrastructure security and accelerate the remediation of identity-centric attacks.

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Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR)


ISO stands for the International Organization for Standardization that sets standards for quality, safety, efficiency and interoperability across industries.

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Acceso Just-In-Time

Mediante la metodología de acceso Just-in-time (JIT), las organizaciones pueden elevar los usuarios humanos y no humanos en tiempo real para proporcionar un acceso con privilegios elevado y granular a una aplicación o sistema a fin de realizar una tarea necesaria. Los analistas de la industria de la ciberseguridad recomiendan el acceso JIT como una forma de proporcionar un acceso con privilegios seguro al minimizar el acceso permanente.

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Acceso Just-In-Time



Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is a popular open-source container orchestration platform designed for cloud portability across hybrid and multi-cloud infrastructure. 

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Mínimo Privilegio

El principio del mínimo privilegio (PoLP) hace referencia a un concepto de seguridad de la información en que se da a un usuario los niveles (o permisos) de acceso mínimos necesarios para desempeñar sus funciones laborales. En general, el principio del mínimo privilegio se considera una práctica óptima de ciberseguridad y es un paso fundamental para proteger el acceso con privilegios a datos y activos de gran valor.

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Mínimo Privilegio



Malware es un término amplio que designa cualquier tipo de software malicioso diseñado para causar daños o perjuicios a un ordenador, servidor, red de cliente o de equipos o infraestructura sin el conocimiento del usuario final. Los ciberatacantes crean, utilizan y venden malware por muchas razones diferentes, pero la mayoría de las veces se utiliza para robar información personal, financiera o corporativa.

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MITRE ATT&CK Framework

Mitre Att&ck is an open framework for implementing cybersecurity detection and response programs that includes a global knowledge base of adversarial TTPs.

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MITRE ATT&CK Framework


Multi-cloud leverages two or more cloud services from more than one cloud provider. In the enterprise, multi-cloud typically refers to running enterprise applications on platform-as-a-service (PaaS) or infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) from multiple cloud service providers, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), IBM cloud and Microsoft Azure.

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Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-Factor Authentication is a method for using contextual information and business rules to determine which authentication factors to apply to a particular user in a particular situation. Businesses use MFA to balance security requirements with the user experience.

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Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)


NIS2 Directive

The NIS2 (Network and Information Security) Directive is a regulatory framework established by the European Union(EU) to enhance the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure and digital service providers.

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NIS2 Directive


NIST CSF 2.0 is a new version of the original National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework, help to manage and mitigate cybersecurity risks.

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Operational Technology (OT) Cybersecurity

Operational Technology (OT) cybersecurity is a key component of protecting the uptime, security and safety of industrial environments and critical infrastructure.

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Operational Technology (OT) Cybersecurity


Gestión del Acceso con Privilegios (PAM)

La gestión del acceso con privilegios (PAM) hace referencia a una estrategia integral de ciberseguridad — que comprende personas, procesos y tecnología— para controlar, supervisar, proteger y auditar todas las identidades y actividades con privilegios humanas y no humanas en todo el entorno informático de una empresa. Las organizaciones aplican la gestión del acceso con privilegios para protegerse contra las amenazas que suponen el robo de credenciales y el uso indebido de privilegios.

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Gestión del Acceso con Privilegios (PAM)

Passwordless Authentication

Passwordless Authentication is an authentication method that allows a user to gain access to an application or IT system without entering a password or answering security questions.

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Passwordless Authentication

Phishing Attack

A phishing attack is a social engineering tactic commonly used to steal confidential data or deliver ransomware or some other form of malware.

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Phishing Attack



Automatización Robótica de Procesos (RPA)

La automatización robótica de procesos (RPA) es una tecnología de automatización que ayuda a las organizaciones a automatizar parcial o totalmente las tareas estandarizadas. Los robots de software de automatización robótica de procesos, o "bots", pueden imitar las acciones de los humanos para realizar el trabajo.

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Automatización Robótica de Procesos (RPA)


El ransomware es un tipo de malware diseñado para extorsionar a las víctimas para obtener un beneficio financiero. Una vez activado, el ransomware impide que los usuarios interactúen con sus archivos, aplicaciones o sistemas hasta que se pague un rescate, normalmente en forma de moneda indetectable como el bitcoin.

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Remote Access Security

Remote access security solutions authenticate users who are accessing business applications and IT systems from outside the private enterprise network.

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Remote Access Security

Remote Work Security

Remote work security safely extends business applications and services to teleworkers and nomadic users without impairing user experience or satisfaction.

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Remote Work Security


Gestión de Secretos

La gestión de secretos permite a las organizaciones aplicar sistemáticamente políticas de seguridad para las identidades no humanas. La gestión de secretos garantiza que solo las entidades autenticadas y autorizadas puedan acceder a los recursos de las pilas de herramientas, plataformas y entornos en la nube.

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Gestión de Secretos


El software como servicio (SaaS) es un modelo de concesión de licencias y distribución de software en el que un proveedor de servicios aloja aplicaciones y las pone a disposición de los clientes a través de Internet. El SaaS, también conocido como "software a la carta", "software alojado" y "software basado en web", es uno de los tres componentes principales de la informática en la nube, uno de los elementos fundamentales de la transformación digital.

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Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) provides a standard way for businesses and application providers to share user authentication and authorization data and federate identity management functionality.

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Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)

Security Framework

A security framework (also known as a cybersecurity framework) is a collection of well-documented standards, policies, procedures and best practices intended to strengthen an organization’s security posture and reduce risk.

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Security Framework

Security Operations (SecOps)

Security Operations (SecOps) is the practice of combining internal information security and IT operations practices to improve collaboration and reduce risks.

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Security Operations (SecOps)

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication method that lets users access multiple applications and services using a single set of login credentials. SSO can help businesses improve user satisfaction and productivity, strengthen access security, and reduce IT operations expense and complexity.

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Single Sign-On (SSO)


SOC 2 (Service Organization Control Type 2) is a cybersecurity compliance framework developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) that helps manage customer data within the cloud.

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Social Engineering

Social engineering is a manipulation technique aimed at tricking individuals into revealing sensitive information

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Social Engineering

Synthetic Identity

Synthetic identity refers to a counterfeit identity formed by combining a mix of genuine and false information, blurring the line between physical and digital characteristics that identify a human being.

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Synthetic Identity


Temporary Elevated Access Management

Temporary elevated access management (TEAM) access methodology helps organizations elevate privileges for human and non-human users in real time to provide granular access to an application or system in order to perform a necessary task.

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Temporary Elevated Access Management

Third-Party Access

Third-party access is the process of granting external vendors and service providers secure access to IT assets for maintenance, administration and management.

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Third-Party Access


User Behavior Analytics

User behavior analytics use AI and machine learning to analyze large datasets to identify security breaches, data exfiltration and other malicious activities.

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User Behavior Analytics


Virtual Directory

A virtual directory is an Identity and Access Management architectural component that gives identity consumers a consolidated and unified view of identity management information stored in multiple disparate data repositories.

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Virtual Directory





Confianza Cero

La confianza cero es un modelo estratégico de ciberseguridad diseñado para proteger los entornos de negocios digitales modernos. La confianza cero se basa en la creencia de que las organizaciones no deben confiar automáticamente en nada, ya sea fuera o dentro del perímetro de su red. Los modelos de confianza cero exigen que todo lo que intente conectarse a los sistemas de una organización debe verificarse para que se le conceda acceso.

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Confianza Cero

Zero Standing Privileges

Zero Standing Privileges (ZSP) is a security principle that advocates for the removal of persistent access privileges for users within an enterprise network, the next logical progression from just-in-time access.

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Zero Standing Privileges