
Cybersecurity ist eine Flut von Fachbegriffen und Schlagwörtern der Branche. Das CyberArk-Glossar ist Ihr Wegweiser durch das Meer der komplizierten Terminologie und bietet leicht verständliche Definitionen und Ressourcen für weitere Erkundungen.


Access Certification

Access Certification facilitates the review of a user’s access privileges and requires a third-party to certify that the access should continue to be granted for a designated period of time.

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Access Certification

Access Discovery

Access discovery provides administrators with a clear picture of who has access to what applications, resources or privileges across the organization.

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Access Discovery

Access Management

Access management solutions are used by businesses to authenticate, authorize and audit access to on-premises and cloud-based applications and IT systems.

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Access Management

Active Directory (AD)

Active Directory (AD) is Microsoft’s directory and identity management service for Windows domain networks. AD is used for user authentication and authorization by a variety of Microsoft solutions like Exchange Server and SharePoint Server, as well as third-party applications and services.

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Active Directory (AD)

Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Adaptive MFA is a method for using contextual information and business rules to determine which authentication factors to apply to a particular user in a particular situation. Businesses use Adaptive Authentication to balance security requirements with the user experience.

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Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Application (App) Gateway

An app gateway is an enterprise security solution that lets users access traditional web applications hosted in corporate data centers using the same logon credentials and methods they use to access mobile apps and cloud services.

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Application (App) Gateway

Authentication Authorization

Authentication and Authorization solutions positively validate a user’s identify and grant permission to access applications and IT systems once verified.

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Authentication Authorization


Bot Security

Bots automate and supplement human workflows helping organizations improve business agility, reduce costs and risks, and free up staff for higher value tasks.

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Bot Security


CI/CD Pipeline

A CI/CD pipeline is a collection of tools used by developers and test engineers throughout the continuous software development, delivery and deployment lifecycle.

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CI/CD Pipeline

CISA Secure Software Development Attestation Form (SSDA)

The Secure Software Development Attestation Form is a requirement introduced by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency with OMB collaboration.

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CISA Secure Software Development Attestation Form (SSDA)

Cloud IAM Permissions

Cloud identity and access management (IAM) permissions let IT and security organizations control access to the resources in their cloud environments.

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Cloud IAM Permissions

Cloud Identity Security

Cloud identity security is the practice of implementing identity security controls to secure human and machine identities in hybrid and multi-cloud environments. Cloud migration and digital transformation have become commonplace for many modern enterprises

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Cloud Identity Security

Cloud Infrastructure Entitlements Management (CIEM)

Sometimes referred to as Cloud Entitlements Management solutions or Cloud Permissions Management solutions, CIEM solutions apply the Principle of Least Privilege access to cloud infrastructure and services, helping organizations defend against data breaches, malicious attacks and other risks posed by excessive cloud permissions.

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Cloud Infrastructure Entitlements Management (CIEM)


Cloud-Sicherheit bezieht sich auf den Schutz der Integrität von Cloud-basierten Anwendungen, Daten und virtuellen Infrastrukturen.  Der Begriff gilt für alle Cloud-Bereitstellungsmodelle (Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid-Cloud, Multi-Cloud) und alle Arten von Cloud-basierten Diensten und On-Demand-Lösungen (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS).

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Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM)

CIAM solutions control access to public websites and digital properties, making it easy for customers to sign up and log on to online applications and services.

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Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM)

Cyber Insurance

Businesses purchase cyber insurance (also known as cybersecurity insurance) to mitigate financial loss due to cyber attacks and data breaches.

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Cyber Insurance


Data Sovereignty

Data sovereignty is the ability of enterprises to safeguard and have full control over the personally identifiable information (PII) of any citizen or permanent resident of the country in which it operates.

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Data Sovereignty


Eine Datenschutzverletzung ist ein Sicherheitsvorfall, bei dem sich böswillige Insider oder externe Angreifer unbefugt Zugang zu vertraulichen Daten oder sensiblen Informationen wie medizinischen Aufzeichnungen, Finanzinformationen oder personenbezogenen Daten verschaffen. Datenschutzverletzungen zählen zu den häufigsten und teuersten Arten von Cyber-Sicherheitsvorfällen.

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A defense-in-depth strategy, aka a security-in-depth strategy, refers to a cybersecurity approach that uses multiple layers of security for holistic protection.

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DevOps ist ein Begriff, der eine Reihe kultureller Philosophien, Praktiken und Instrumente beschreibt, die Softwareentwicklung (Dev) und IT-Betrieb (Ops) zusammenbringen und eine schnellere Bereitstellung von Anwendungen und Dienstleistungen ermöglichen. DevOps bringt neue Risiken und kulturelle Veränderungen mit sich, die wiederum Sicherheitsprobleme schaffen, die mit herkömmlichen Security-Management-Lösungen und -Verfahren in der Regel nicht bewältigt werden können.

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Digital Transformation

Digital transformation refers to the process of integrating digital technology into various aspects of an organization to fundamentally change how it operates and delivers value to its customers or stakeholders.

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Digital Transformation

Directory Services

A directory service is a common data repository for maintaining information about network users and resources as part of their Identity Security strategy.

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Directory Services


The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) Act, is a regulatory framework established by the European Union to fortify the financial sector against ICT threats.

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Endpunktsicherheit bezeichnet den Schutz von Unternehmensnetzwerken vor Bedrohungen, die von On-Premise- oder Remote-Geräten ausgehen. Ein Endpunkt ist ein Gerät, das einen Zugangspunkt zu Ressourcen und Anwendungen eines Unternehmens bietet und dadurch eine potenzielle Cyber-Sicherheitslücke darstellt.

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Enterprise Browser

An enterprise browser is a dedicated, corporate web browser designed to give enterprises enhanced security and control over how the browser functions while ensuring a seamless browsing experience for employees

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Enterprise Browser


FedRAMP Authorization

Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) is a United States government-wide program that standardizes the security assessment, authorization and continuous monitoring of cloud products and services.

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FedRAMP Authorization


FIDO2 is an open authentication standard developed by the FIDO Alliance, an organization with the mission to develop open, scalable authentication standards.

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Healthcare Cybersecurity

Healthcare cybersecurity protects organizations from cyber attacks and ensures availability of medical services, integrity of patient data, and compliance.

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Healthcare Cybersecurity


Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions enable administration of user identities and control of access to enterprise resources. IAM solutions ensure the right individuals have access to the right IT resources, for the right reasons, at the right time.

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Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Identity as a Service (IDaaS)

Identity as a Service (IDaaS) is an Identity and Access Management solution delivered in the form of a cloud-based service hosted and managed by a trusted third party. An IDaaS offering combines all the functions and benefits of an enterprise-class IAM solution with all the economic and operational advantages of a cloud-based service.

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Identity as a Service (IDaaS)

Identity Governance and Administration (IGA)

Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) solutions efficiently manage digital identities and access rights across diverse systems and are used by corporate information security, risk management, compliance teams and IT organizations.

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Identity Governance and Administration (IGA)

Identity Lifecycle Management

Identity lifecycle management refers to the process of managing the user identities and evolving access privileges of employees and contractors throughout their tenure—from day one through separation.

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Identity Lifecycle Management

Identity Orchestration

Learn everything you need to know identity orchestration and how it automates identity management workflows without writing custom codes or scripts.

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Identity Orchestration

Identity Security

Identity Security is a comprehensive solution for securing all identities– human or machine – throughout the cycle of accessing critical assets.

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Identity Security

Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR)

Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) is a security discipline consisting of cyber threat intelligence, behavior analysis, tools and structured processes to enhance identity infrastructure security and accelerate the remediation of identity-centric attacks.

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Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR)

Intelligent Privilege Controls

Intelligent privilege controls are security measures designed to manage access to enterprise resources based on real-time risk assessments and contextual factors.

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Intelligent Privilege Controls


ISO stands for the International Organization for Standardization that sets standards for quality, safety, efficiency and interoperability across industries.

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Mit der Zugriffsmethode Just-in-Time (JIT) können Unternehmen menschlichen und nicht menschlichen Benutzern in Echtzeit erhöhten und granularen privilegierten Zugriff auf eine Anwendung oder ein System gewähren, um eine notwendige Aufgabe auszuführen. Branchenanalysten empfehlen das JIT-Konzept als Möglichkeit, dauerhaften Zugriff zugunsten eines sicheren privilegierten Zugriffs zu minimieren.

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Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is a popular open-source container orchestration platform designed for cloud portability across hybrid and multi-cloud infrastructure. 

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Least Privilege

Das Least-Privilege-Prinzip (PoLP) ist ein Konzept für Informationssicherheit, bei dem einem Benutzer nur die für seine Tätigkeit mindestens erforderliche Zugriffs- bzw. Berechtigungsebene gewährt wird. Das Least-Privilege-Prinzip gilt als Best Practice in der Cyber-Sicherheitsbranche und ist ein wesentlicher Schritt zum Schutz privilegierter Zugriffe auf hochwertige Daten und Ressourcen.

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Least Privilege


Machine Identity

Machine identities are digital entities used to identify, authenticate and authorize machines, devices, and IT infrastructure that is not associated with a human.

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Machine Identity


Malware ist eine allgemeine Bezeichnung für jede Art von schädlicher Software, die ohne Wissen des Endbenutzers einem Computer, Server, Client oder Netzwerk und/oder der Infrastruktur Schaden zufügen soll. Cyber-Angreifer entwickeln, nutzen und verkaufen Malware aus vielen verschiedenen Gründen. Am häufigsten kommt sie jedoch zum Einsatz, um personenbezogene, finanzielle oder geschäftliche Daten abzugreifen.

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MITRE ATT&CK Framework

Mitre Att&ck is an open framework for implementing cybersecurity detection and response programs that includes a global knowledge base of adversarial TTPs.

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MITRE ATT&CK Framework


Multi-cloud leverages two or more cloud services from more than one cloud provider. In the enterprise, multi-cloud typically refers to running enterprise applications on platform-as-a-service (PaaS) or infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) from multiple cloud service providers, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), IBM cloud and Microsoft Azure.

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Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-Factor Authentication is a method for using contextual information and business rules to determine which authentication factors to apply to a particular user in a particular situation. Businesses use MFA to balance security requirements with the user experience.

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Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)


NIS2 Directive

The NIS2 (Network and Information Security) Directive is a regulatory framework established by the European Union(EU) to enhance the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure and digital service providers.

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NIS2 Directive


NIST CSF 2.0 is a new version of the original National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework, help to manage and mitigate cybersecurity risks.

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NIST SP 800-207

NIST SP 800-207 is a guidance published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. A part of NIST SP 800 series for information security and cybersecurity.

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NIST SP 800-207

Non-Human Identity

Non-human Identities are digital entities used to identify, authenticate and authorize machines, devices, and IT infrastructure that is not associated with a human.

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Non-Human Identity


Operational Technology (OT) Cybersecurity

Operational Technology (OT) cybersecurity is a key component of protecting the uptime, security and safety of industrial environments and critical infrastructure.

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Operational Technology (OT) Cybersecurity


Passwordless Authentication

Passwordless Authentication is an authentication method that allows a user to gain access to an application or IT system without entering a password or answering security questions.

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Passwordless Authentication


The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a widely accepted set of security practices to protect cardholder data and prevent credit card fraud.

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Phishing Attack

A phishing attack is a social engineering tactic commonly used to steal confidential data or deliver ransomware or some other form of malware.

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Phishing Attack

Privileged Access Management (PAM)

Privilege Access Management (PAM) ist eine umfassende Cyber-Sicherheitsstrategie – rund um Mitarbeiter, Prozesse und Technologie – zur Kontrolle, Überwachung, Sicherung und Prüfung aller menschlichen und nicht menschlichen privilegierten Identitäten und Aktivitäten in einer geschäftlichen IT-Umgebung. Unternehmen setzen auf Privileged Access Management, um sich vor Gefahren im Zusammenhang mit dem Diebstahl von Anmeldedaten und Missbrauch von Privilegien zu schützen.

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Privileged Access Management (PAM)

Privileged Entitlements Management (PEM)

Privileged entitlements management is the practice of securely managing high-risk entitlements (also known as permissions, access rights or privileges) to access sensitive data, resources and services.

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Privileged Entitlements Management (PEM)




Ransomware ist eine Art Malware, die darauf abzielt, das Opfer finanziell zu erpressen. Einmal aktiv, macht Ransomware die Interaktion mit den betroffenen Dateien, Anwendungen oder Systemen so lange unmöglich, bis ein Lösegeld gezahlt wird, üblicherweise in Form einer nicht rückverfolgbaren Währung wie Bitcoin.

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Remote Access Security

Remote access security solutions authenticate users who are accessing business applications and IT systems from outside the private enterprise network.

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Remote Access Security

Remote Work Security

Remote work security safely extends business applications and services to teleworkers and nomadic users without impairing user experience or satisfaction.

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Remote Work Security

Robotergesteuerte Prozessautomatisierung (RPA)

Robotergesteuerte Prozessautomatisierung (RPA) ist eine Technologie, die Unternehmen hilft, standardisierte Aufgaben teilweise oder vollständig zu automatisieren. Im Rahmen der robotergesteuerten Prozessautomatisierung können Softwareroboter bzw. „Bots“ die Handlungen von Menschen nachahmen, um Aufgaben auszuführen.

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Robotergesteuerte Prozessautomatisierung (RPA)



Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) ist ein Modell für Software-Lizenzierung und -Vertrieb, bei dem ein Dienstleister Anwendungen hostet und dem Kunden über das Internet zur Verfügung stellt. SaaS wird auch als „On-Demand-Software“, „gehostete Software“ und „webbasierte Software“ bezeichnet und ist eine der drei Hauptkomponenten des Cloud Computing – eines der grundlegenden Elemente der digitalen Transformation.

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Secrets-Management ermöglicht Unternehmen die konsequente Durchsetzung von Sicherheitsrichtlinien für nicht menschliche Identitäten. Secrets Management bietet die Gewissheit, dass Ressourcen über sämtliche Tool-Stacks, Plattformen und Cloud-Umgebungen hinweg nur authentifizierten und autorisierten Benutzern zugänglich sind.

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Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) provides a standard way for businesses and application providers to share user authentication and authorization data and federate identity management functionality.

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Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)

Security Framework

A security framework is a set of documented standards, policies, procedures, and best practices intended to enhance an organization’s security and reduce risk.

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Security Framework

Security Operations (SecOps)

Security Operations (SecOps) is the practice of combining internal information security and IT operations practices to improve collaboration and reduce risks.

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Security Operations (SecOps)

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication method that lets users access multiple applications and services using a single set of login credentials. SSO can help businesses improve user satisfaction and productivity, strengthen access security, and reduce IT operations expense and complexity.

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Single Sign-On (SSO)


SOC 2 is a security compliance framework developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) to securely manage customer data within the cloud.

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Social Engineering

Social engineering is a manipulation technique aimed at tricking individuals into revealing sensitive information

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Social Engineering

SWIFT Compliance

The Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) is a cooperative founded in 1973 by members of the financial community with proprietary network.

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SWIFT Compliance

Synthetic Identity

Synthetic identity refers to a counterfeit identity formed by combining a mix of genuine and false information, blurring the line between physical and digital characteristics that identify a human being.

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Synthetic Identity


TEA (Time, Entitlements and Approvals)

TEA is a security concept that enhances access control by managing when, how much, and under what conditions users or systems can access resources.

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TEA (Time, Entitlements and Approvals)

Temporary Elevated Access Management

Temporary elevated access management (TEAM) access methodology helps organizations elevate privileges for human and non-human users in real time to provide granular access to an application or system in order to perform a necessary task.

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Temporary Elevated Access Management

Third-Party Access

Third-party access is the process of granting external vendors and service providers secure access to IT assets for maintenance, administration and management.

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Third-Party Access


User Behavior Analytics

User behavior analytics use AI and machine learning to analyze large datasets to identify security breaches, data exfiltration and other malicious activities.

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User Behavior Analytics


Virtual Directory

A virtual directory is an Identity and Access Management architectural component that gives identity consumers a consolidated and unified view of identity management information stored in multiple disparate data repositories.

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Virtual Directory





Zero Standing Privileges

Zero Standing Privileges (ZSP) is an identity security principle that advocates for the removal of all persistent privileges for users within an enterprise’s estate. Practically, Zero Standing Privileges is a progression from the concept of just-in-time access.

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Zero Standing Privileges

Zero Trust

Zero Trust ist ein strategisches Cyber-Sicherheitsmodell, das zum Schutz moderner digitaler Geschäftsumgebungen entwickelt wurde. Zero Trust basiert auf der Überzeugung, dass ein gewisses Misstrauen sowohl innerhalb als auch außerhalb des Netzwerk-Perimeters sinnvoll ist. Zero-Trust-Modelle setzen voraus, dass alle Benutzer und Prozesse, die sich mit den Systemen eines Unternehmens verbinden wollen, verifiziert werden müssen, bevor der Zugriff gewährt wird.

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Zero Trust