Cloud Security

Analyze, secure and monitor risky access in AWS, Azure and GCP.

Gain Insight. Take action.

Discover and understand identity-centric cloud security and compliance risks. Reduce risk of compromised credentials with just-in-time access policy recommendations. Right-size IAM permissions to provide engineers only what they need. Monitor environments to improve Identity Security hygiene.

Insecure Access Icon

Visibility and context

Scan cloud environments to discover security and compliance risk insights

Misconfigured Identities Icon

Just-in-time access

Prevent credential theft with dynamic elevation to cloud consoles, resources and CLIs

Credential Exposure Icon


Right-size IAM permissions to implement least privilege for all identities

The Cloud Security lifecycle

Implement least privilege and just-in-time access with context-aware recommendations.

Secure Cloud Access

Secure Access to your multi-cloud estate Just-in-Time with Zero Standing Privileges.

Secure Cloud Access

Credgroup of people working at their laptops

Dynamic Privileged Access

Implement  Zero Trust  with intelligent privilege controls for standing and Just-in-Time privileged access.

Privileged Access Management

Secure high-risk, shared privileged access with credential management, session isolation and threat analytics.

man and woman pointing at the computer

Chico High School

“The CyberArk Identity Security Platform is a great tool for providing simple and secure access to our staff. By removing the burden of creating and remembering passwords and offering seamless, one-click access, we are improving productivity and enhancing our security posture.”

John Vincent, Director of Technology, Chico Unified School District


"CyberArk has been the best vendor I have worked with in my 20+ year IT career. CyberArk delivers great products that lead the industry in managing privileged access."

IT Security Manager, Security and Risk Management


"With CyberArk, we are confident that we have implemented technology that will work with us as our business grows and develops."

Jean-Pierre Blanc, Bouygues Telecom


"This isn’t just a compliance check-box exercise, we’re actively designing and aligning policies to cybersecurity best practices to strengthen our overall security posture and align internal teams."

Joel Harris, Manager


"CyberArk gave us the visibility and granular control needed to implement both least privilege and ‘default deny’ application control with minimal disruption to the organization."

Ken Brown, CISO


"With RPA and Cloud migrations, credentials are becoming more and more spread out away from 'normal' controls. CyberArk can spread out to cover all of the scenarios in a standard way."

Information Security Consultant, Enterprise Cybersecurity Solutions Technologies


Get a 30-day trial

Proactively reduce risk and measure progress

Implement Least Privilege in your cloud estate

Operate cloud permissions securely and efficiently

Safely scale your business in the cloud