Secure Web Sessions

Gain visibility into every action your users take within web applications secured by CyberArk Identity.


Security and visibility down to every click

Record, audit, and protect all user activity within web applications accessible through CyberArk Identity Single Sign-On.

Session Recording

Record every step

Record actions taken by specific users within protected apps without impacting the user experience.

Overview Continuous Authentication

Enable continuous authentication

Validate that the person who initiated the web session is the one using the application.

 Session Protection

Protect Web sessions

Secure web applications from threats originating on the endpoint and prevent data exfiltration.

Seamless web session security

Extend web session security to SSO applications without impacting your users’ experience.

Session recording

Record all user activities using a “stepper” approach. Actions like mouse clicks, “enter” or “tab” keystrokes trigger a screenshot of a user’s browser window along with relevant metadata.

 Session Recording

Audit trail

Search all recorded sessions using free text input and filter security events by dates and actions. The session audit trail provides context and step-by-step breakdown of the actions taken prior, during and after a security event.

Session Auditing

Continuous authentication

Identify when a high-risk session is left open and requires re-authentication to ensure that the person who initiated the web session is the one using the application.

Continuous Authentication

Session protection

Protect the web-session at the endpoint with the Secure Web Sessions browser extension. Optional integration with CyberArk Endpoint Privilege Manager further protects high-risk web sessions from malicious processes originating on the endpoint.

 Session Protection

Built-in privacy

Record web session activities only for applications protected by Secure Web Sessions, regardless of other tabs open in the browser. Recordings take place locally, are encrypted and are only accessible by customers with a specific private key.

Built-in Privacy

Secure Web Sessions user experience

Secure Web Sessions is an add-on to CyberArk Identity Single Sign-On and serves as an authentication factor for accessing protected web applications. Web sessions are recorded and accessible through the portal for validated users.

Secure Web Sessions

Secure Web Sessions in your company

Protect any sensitive application and provide secure and frictionless access to all types of users.

Financial Application Security

Financial applications

Get visibility into payroll changes, access to banking information and exports of personal identifiable information (PII).

DevOps and Security Tools icon

DevOps and security

Record actions taken by privileged users within cloud consoles, firewalls, developer and security tools.

Healthcare Application Security icon


Ensure sensitive data is never left unattended and the right user has access, protected by the strongest security possible.

Marketing icon


Gain granular visibility into user activity within marketing apps and keep tabs on shared corporate social media accounts.

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Unlimited apps and users

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CyberArk Identity Single Sign-On included

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