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Securing the Software Supply Chain

March 3, 2022

With the advent of CI/CD pipelines, supply chain attacks have become more prevalent – and as the recent SolarWinds breach has demonstrated, the impact of such breaches can be vast and rippling.

This eBook addresses questions raised by security leaders that want to better understand their organization’s development environments, the risks development tools expose and the best practices and approaches for securing them.

Review best practices to securing developer endpoints, the applications being developed, as well as the tools and admin consoles used to run CI/CD pipelines and development environments.

Prevent attackers from compromising certificates to sign code and bypass controls. Learn how to address vulnerabilities in CI/CD – view the eBook now.

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11 Safeguards for the Cloud from Three Real World Attacks on Identity

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An Assume-Breach Mindset: 4 Steps to Protect What Attackers are After
An Assume-Breach Mindset: 4 Steps to Protect What Attackers are After

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