Panel Discussion | Securing the Open Door on Your Endpoints

August 5, 2022

We see figures around projected endpoint security spend climbing year-over-year as organizations aim to protect themselves against today’s evolving threat landscape. In a December ‘21 survey by ESG, 75% of respondents indicated that they planned to increase their spending in endpoint security over the next 12 months. Unfortunately, this increase in spend does not result in a decrease in successful endpoint attacks, so what’s missing?

There is a fundamental gap in today’s endpoint security and foundational endpoint controls are being ignored. If you are not managing endpoint privileges, you are leaving the door open to attackers.

In this panel we will discuss topics such as:

-Latest attack trends and deconstructed attacks as researched by CyberArk Labs
-Why endpoint least privilege is often deprioritized
-Strategies for getting buy in and best practices for enforcing least privilege on endpoints
-How you can successfully achieve endpoint least privilege, effectively reduce risk and enhance security without sacrificing operational efficiency.

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