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Securing Privileged Access in Transformative Times

December 13, 2023

Whether you’re a 100-year-old company migrating to the cloud, or a 1-year-old startup born in the cloud, you face a set of constants:

  • You have privileged users, accounts and credentials. 
  • Attackers will try to compromise these identities, move laterally and elevate privileges.
  • Therefore, your identities with high-risk access require fierce protection.

The takeaways: the fundamental controls of privileged access management (PAM) remain critical. But at the same time, PAM programs must evolve to take on new identities, environments and attack methods.

In this piece on PAM’s evolution, you’ll find stories, insights and best practices from Barak Feldman, Senior Vice President, Privileged Access Management and Identity Security, CyberArk. Download it today, and learn how to secure high-risk access in two fast-emerging PAM use cases: 

  1. Cloud environments, where identities require speed to innovate but need PAM controls and principles to ensure least privilege amid a surge in permissions.
  2. Operational technology (OT), which includes the devices, machinery and systems used in a wide range of critical infrastructure sectors targeted by attackers.

Technology shifts allow organizations to delegate powerful access to anyone or anything. This includes not only IT admins, but developers, everyday employees and non-human identities. Moreover, privilege is increasingly in the cloud: over 8 in 10 IT leaders are adopting hybrid cloud environments.1

Therefore, securing today’s enterprise requires expanding your focus to all identities, across any environment, with a balance of proven PAM principles and intelligent privilege controls – all within an integrated identity security approach.

1. Cisco, “2022 Global Hybrid Cloud Trends Report,” May 2022

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