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Controlling Privilege and Identity During Incident Response

February 8, 2022

Cybersecurity is a numbers game and professionals often focus the majority of their efforts on preventing and stopping attacks. However, there will always be a probability of having defenses breached and with the rise of threats such as malware-as-a-service and highly evasive and sophisticated software supply chain attacks, this probability is increasing.

This underscores the need for a comprehensive breach remediation plan. How does a business effectively react? How can organizations ensure a timely response and limit the damage and rapidly regain control?

The answer to these questions is having a strong Incident Response plan which includes identity and privilege remediation.

View this on-demand webinar to hear from two members of CyberArk’s Remediation Services team as they lay out:

  • The principles behind robust Incident Response plans
  • Practical advice to assess your Incident Response readiness
  • Action items to set or improve Incident Response strategies
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