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Identity Security: Why It Matters and Why Now

July 5, 2022

Digital transformation, cloud migration, remote work and DevOps have fueled the proliferation of identities, both in number and type. Each identity – whether it’s human or machine – represents a path for attackers to gain access to an organization’s most valuable assets.

Legacy identity and access management solutions may have worked in the past, but today’s identity sprawl demands a stronger defense. Modern Identity Security has emerged as a more flexible, unified approach to securing identities within business applications, across cloud workloads and throughout the DevOps pipeline.

In this eBook, you’ll find answers to these key questions:

  • Why are traditional access management solutions insufficient for managing today’s identity sprawl?
  • What exactly is modern Identity Security, and what benefits can it bring to your business?
  • What are the requirements for achieving modern Identity Security?
  • What are the key features of the CyberArk Identity Security platform?

Discover how embracing the modern Identity Security framework—grounded in Zero Trust and intelligent privilege controls—can help your organization defend against threats without introducing friction.

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