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Legacy versus Adaptive SSO

August 4, 2020

SSO has become the de facto standard for managing employee access to applications and systems. Although it offers many security and cost benefits, SSO also introduces a lucrative route to your data – if your SSO credentials are stolen, they can be used to access a broad range of cloud and on-prem systems.

Adding a contextual layer to your SSO deployment can make all the difference. With historical user behavior context, organizations can detect anomalous behavior that indicates specific attacks or elevated risk of a breach. Traditional SSO deployments, however, require supplemental product integrations for this historical context, which introduces complexity and requires resources to maintain.

In this webinar, we’ll discuss how adaptive SSO can help you secure your hybrid environment by creating dynamic, context-aware access controls that are based on historical user behavior.


  • Explore the shortcomings of traditional access management solutions
  • Learn how to enable users to access their cloud and on-prem applications using their corporate credentials
  • Learn how to leverage machine learning models to create dynamic, context-aware access controls that are based on historical user behavior
  • Learn how to centrally manage user permissions to your resources when they access the Idaptive Portal
  • Learn how to further reduce the risk of breaches by introducing adaptive multi-factor authentication with your SSO implementation
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