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Best Practices that Protect Workstations

June 10, 2020

With a rise of remote workers globally, there is heighten need to protect against attacks that begin at endpoints whether via phishing or another method of credential theft. Workstation targeted attacks revolve around privilege. While local admin rights promote self-sufficiency, they also introduce serious risk. 

Watch this webinar to learn about best practices for protecting your organization from advanced attacks including tips related to getting started with a discovery process, implementing policies to protect credentials and how to effectively mitigate risks of Ransomware.

We also show you how CyberArk Endpoint Privilege Manager helps organizations strike the right balance between security and productivity.

Previous Video
Webcast: Privileged Access Management 101
Webcast: Privileged Access Management 101

You will learn: where privileged access exists and why it is under attack; the most common attack vectors; ...

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Rapidly Reduce Risk By Prioritizing PAM as a Service
Rapidly Reduce Risk By Prioritizing PAM as a Service

During this recorded webinar we'll discuss what Privileged Access Management (PAM) is, why it's so critical...