Video: What Nightclub Security Reveals About Privileged Access Management

May 6, 2021 CyberArk Blog Team

PAM Lessons from Nightclub Security

Let’s face it – we’re collectively ready for a night on the town. And while nightclubs may not be everyone’s bag, we predict they’re going to be bustling soon, with both regulars eager to again rejoice with a festive crowd and newcomers keen to never let another fun opportunity pass them by. Because, yes, as of this moment there’s seemingly light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, and thumping bass will beckon us to celebrate – and maybe even dance without a care for social distancing. Maybe? And when nightclubs are back in full force it’ll be a pretty strong sign that normalcy again reigns.

Those of us working in IT and security, who’ve been making remote work possible – and safe – will no doubt be among the first to get in line behind the velvet rope. And because of what we do, we couldn’t help but think about how getting into a club, and nightclub security in general, have many parallels with Identity Security – a discipline that’s become ever more important during the last year’s accelerated shift to digital. Centered on privileged access management (PAM), Identity Security has been integral to handling the exponential growth in identities and credentials with elevated access, all of which need to be managed, monitored, and controlled to remain safe.

Yes, we geek out on this stuff – always.

Check out our short video to see how nightclub security is just like protecting privileged access across your organization. Because privilege can be found everywhere – across all identities, devices, and apps from the endpoint to the cloud. And then, get ready to get your boom boom boom on. Safely, of course. We’ll maybe even give you permission to enter the VIP lounge.

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