CyberArk Acquires C3M, Accelerating Cloud Privilege Security and Cyber Risk Reduction

August 10, 2022 Paddy Viswanathan

CyberArk C3M

In 2018, as cloud adoption was nearing a tipping point, and a series of major cyber attacks signaled the rise of the cloud service misconfiguration error, we founded C3M on the belief that cloud security done right can help safeguard organizations from costly data breaches and satisfy regulatory obligations. We’ve been honored to work alongside enterprises around the world, helping them seamlessly and securely embrace the full benefits of their Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).  

Today, 89% of organizations use multiple cloud providers, with 63% of these organizations running more than 25% of their workloads in the cloud. As our journey to create a more secure and compliant cloud ecosystem continues, I’m excited to share that CyberArk has acquired C3M. 

Together, we have an opportunity to simplify the complex challenge organizations face in managing and securing all identities – human and machine – as they access sensitive resources and data in hybrid and multi-cloud environments. With a shared vision, an exceptional collaborative team, and the power of the market-leading CyberArk Identity Security Platform, we are setting a new industry standard for Cloud Privilege Security 

As the number of identities continues to grow exponentially, we’re hitting the ground running to accelerate the delivery of Identity Security innovations that help organizations to analyze, monitor and secure access to public cloud resources and achieve measurable cyber risk reduction.  

Accelerating Cloud Privilege Security Innovation Together  

Here’s a look at CyberArk’s comprehensive Cloud Privilege Security SaaS offerings, and how C3M talent and technologies will bolster specific analysis and monitoring capabilities to empower organizations to intelligently secure privileged access in the cloud.   

Identity Security Platform Cloud Privilege Security

Analyze. Analyzing access in a cloud environment is a critical first step for safe and responsible cloud consumption. However, organizations can only mitigate the risks that they know exist. CyberArk Cloud Entitlements Manager analyzes and visualizes permissions across AWS, AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (AWS EKS), Microsoft Azure and GCP, then provides policy recommendations to remove excessive permissions that violate least privilege access. Bringing C3M’s automated threat detection and incident capabilities for identity-related compliance violations and misconfigured cloud resources, coupled with behavioral baselining and risk-scoring for all identities, will further strengthen CyberArk’s intelligence and analytics offerings.   

Monitor. Monitoring identities as they access cloud resources is another essential Cloud Privilege Security component that allows organizations to rapidly identify and respond to misuse. The CyberArk Identity Security Platform already provides session auditing for both shared and Just-in-Time sessions to cloud resources. C3M will layer on additional monitoring capabilities that enhance cloud security teams’ ability to automatically identify risky behavior in the public cloud and continuously monitor specific resources.  

Secure. Intelligent privilege controls are the foundation of Identity Security. As organizations move to the cloud, enforcing least privilege everywhere is a key to enabling Zero Trust. CyberArk’s industry-leading Cloud Privilege Security capabilities, such as CyberArk Dynamic Privileged Access and CyberArk Secure Cloud Access, enable organizations to secure all identities that connect to cloud resources across shared account and federated access models. Only CyberArk helps secure both standing and Just-in-Time access across hybrid and multi-cloud environments.  

Joining with CyberArk is the next phase of our journey at C3M. We are extremely proud of the company we’ve built. We set out to build the world’s most comprehensive cloud security platform, and now, as part of a world-leading R&D organization that’s shaping the future of Identity Security, I’m confident we will do just that. I could not be more excited about what’s to come.  

Padmanabhan Viswanathan (Paddy) is founder and former CEO of C3M, and current VP of Cloud Security at CyberArk 

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